About Our Mysteries and contemporary Jeff McQuede High Country Mystery Series set in Wyoming

Loretta and I are the authors of over 40 novels in the genres of mystery, suspense and western. Visit our main blog Vickie Britton and Loretta Jackson's Writing Tips and Fiction to find out about our current projects and excerpts of our new books and short stories. Check the sidebar for this month's FREE, 99c books, bargain books and giveaways.Click this link for information on our Jeff McQuede High Country Mystery Series, set in contemporary Wyoming,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Collection of Short Stories about Pioneer Courage on the Kansas Plains

Hello, Readers,

Check out our newly released ebook about pioneer settlers in Kansas and the dangers they faced with strength and bravery.  These fictionalized stories are based on true events, many that occurred within our family and are part of our family history.  

Click on link to order HOMESPUN COURAGE 

Courage, this is the American heritage, the basic quality possessed by those who left city and county of birth to settle an unknown land. Courage, as existent today as in pioneer times, takes many forms. In these fifteen stories, some are engaged in fierce battles against the elements: blizzards, fire, flood, and the devastating destruction of a tornado. Others must take a stand against people who oppose them, from the school bully to hostile Indians. The last form of courage, though not the least important, represents the inward struggle of a person trying to hang on to a dream, or of one attempting to rise above an inward flaw and make a new start. All deal with the interwoven pattern of family, community, and self and come together as Homespun Courage.